Why Can't I Lose Weight? Body Weight Set Point Explained

Coach Vee

Let's dive into a topic that's been on many of our minds – why is it so darn hard to lose weight?

It turns out there's something called body weight set point that might be playing a major role in this weight loss struggle.

So, grab a cup of tea, get comfy, and let's talk about it and figure out its role in our weight loss journey.

Understanding Body Weight Set Point:

Picture this...

Your body has this little system that likes to keep things in balance. We'll call it the "weight comfort zone."

This comfort zone, or set point, is like your body's preferred weight, and it tends to do whatever it can to keep you in that zone. When you try to lose weight and dip below this comfortable set point, your body's alarms start going off.

In this article I'm going to talk about how this impacts your weight loss, and give you some strategies you can use to overcome this set point.

But first, let's take a closer look at how this set point works and why it might be influencing your weight loss:

1. The Regulator System: Your body has a pretty smart system for keeping your energy in check. It involves hormones, your brain, and a bunch of other fancy stuff. This system's job is to make sure your weight stays stable by adjusting your hunger, how many calories you burn, and where you store fat.

2. Hormone Heroes: Meet the stars of the show – leptin and ghrelin. Leptin is made by your fat cells, and ghrelin is the hormone that comes from your stomach. These two play a big role in telling your body when to eat and how fast to burn calories. When you lose weight, your leptin levels drop, telling your body it's not getting enough energy, which leads to increased hunger and a slower metabolism. Talk about a double whammy!

3. It's in Your Genes: Your genetics and the history of your ancestors can also influence your body's set point. Some folks might have a genetic advantage when it comes to staying at a lower or higher weight.

4. Fighting Weight Loss: When you're trying to shed those pounds and dip below your body's set point, you might find yourself battling intense cravings for all the wrong foods. Plus, your body's "full" signals might not be as effective, making it tough to stick to a calorie-cutting diet.

Breaking Through Your Set Point:

So, what can you do to tackle this set point challenge and make progress towards achieving your weight loss goals? Here are some practical tips:

1. Take It Slow: Rather than rushing for rapid weight loss, try making gradual, sustainable changes to your diet and exercise routine. This can help your body adapt more smoothly.

2. Behavior Matters: Focus on developing healthy habits like mindful eating, regular exercise, and stress management. These can have a bigger impact on your long-term success than just numbers on a scale.

3. Look Beyond the Scale: Instead of obsessing over the scale, pay attention to other signs of progress like increased energy, better sleep, and improved mood.

4. Be Patient: Breaking through the set point might not happen overnight. Remember to be patient with yourself and embrace the journey.

5. Get Some Support: Don't hesitate to reach out to a fitness coach who can craft a personalized plan tailored to your body's needs.

Overcoming the Tricky Hurdle:

The body weight set point can be a tricky hurdle, but it's not an unconquerable one. Approach your weight loss journey with kindness, self-love, and a focus on overall well-being.

Seek help when needed, and keep in mind that every woman's body is wonderfully unique. Embrace the journey towards a healthier you, and celebrate every small victory along the way. Your set point doesn't define your worth or your potential for success on the path to wellness.

Need help forming a plan to overcome your body weight set point?

Book your consultation with me today and let's figure out a plan together to achieve your weight loss goals.

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